Our team of employee-owners will assist you in finding or customizing the products that suit your company’s specific needs. No matter how many pieces of equipment you need, Fast Global Solutions staunch safety focus and attention to quality details will come through.
FAST Global Solutions
PO Box 249
20631 State Highway 55
Glenwood, MN 56334
Tel: 320-634-5126
Fax: 320-634-5880
Email: info@fastsolutions.com
Ground Support Equipment Division
p: 320-334-2527
f: 320-634-5880
e: GSE@fastsolutions.com
Conveyor Division
p: 320-634-7381
f: 320-634-5880
e: info@fastsolutions.com
Military Division
p: 320-635-5882
f: 320-634-5226
e: info@fastsolutions.com
Parts Division
p: 320-634-5886
f: 320-634-5266
e: PartsSales@fastsolutions.com
p: 800-772-9279
e: info@fast-mfg.com